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Reformer 1 is a full-body reformer workout designed for people who are just beginning their exercise journey, first time Pilates participants, or people who are returning to exercise after an extended break period. This class is low impact and focuses on core strength, balance, flexibility, and coordination.
Remixed is a beginner level class for those who have taken 1-2 Pilates classes before. Similar to reformer 1, remixed focuses on building core strength, balance, flexibility, and coordination while integrating the use of various exercise props such as hand weights, a ball, bthe magic circle, a yoga mat, etc.
This class is heavily centered on development of the legs, glutes, and hip muscles. In a rebound class, a flat jump board is used at the base of the reformer. Participants will perform various combinations of lying down squats, jumps, single leg jumps, side lying jumps, and much more. This class is recommended for participants who have a pre-existing foundation of exercise.
This is an entirely stretch based class designed for participants of all ages, builds, and experience. Recover is designed to improve flexibility, range of motion, strength, and to help relieve stress.
Geared toward participants aged 55+, age well is a reformer-based workout that is low impact and avoids movements and poses that may be painful to people who experience joint pain, stiffness, or have limited range of mobility. Age well is also recommended for people recovering from injuries
Reformer 2 is the advanced version of reformer 1. Similar exercises are performed, however, rest time between exercises is shortened, more difficult variations are added, and exercise props are used frequently. This class is recommended for participants who have taken 5 or more reformer 1 classes and people who have a solid athletic background. A good amount of core, leg, and arm strength is required for this class.